We have constructed a decision support tool to optimally target candidate barriers in order to maximize the return on investment from the improvement projects which are funded each year. Our hope is that this tool can be applied at various scales covering multiple jurisdictions, and help to coordinate efforts to maximize increases in fish habitat.
Take an interactive journey to Lake Tanganyika in the heart of Africa’s Rift Valley. Witness one of the world’s biological wonders and meet scientists unraveling its mysteries.
Fish on the run
This site highlights migratory fish conservation and research in the Great Lakes Basin.
Great Lakes Threat Mapping Project
This is a new, collaborative effort to map spatial patterns of cumulative threats to the Great Lakes from a diversity of stressors. I co-lead this project with Dave Allan (U of Michigan) and Ben Halpern (NCEAS).
Smith Fellows
Administered by the Society for Conservation Biology, the D.H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship Program is the US's premier post-doctoral training program in conservation science. I encourage potential post-docs to consider applying for a Smith Fellowship, allowing them to collaborate closely with both academics (like me!) and conservation practitioners on a project of their own design.
Neotropical Grassland Conservancy
NGC is an innovative grassroots non-profit organization that focuses on grassland conservation in Central and South America. It supports the research and training of Latin American graduate students in conservation science, and also provides research equipment to lab groups in the region. I chair the Student Grant Program for NGC.
The Nature Conservancy
TNC is a leader among the major conservation NGOs operating at a global scale. I work closely with the Michigan and Wisconsin offices on conserving migratory fish in the Great Lakes basin.
We have constructed a decision support tool to optimally target candidate barriers in order to maximize the return on investment from the improvement projects which are funded each year. Our hope is that this tool can be applied at various scales covering multiple jurisdictions, and help to coordinate efforts to maximize increases in fish habitat.
Take an interactive journey to Lake Tanganyika in the heart of Africa’s Rift Valley. Witness one of the world’s biological wonders and meet scientists unraveling its mysteries.
Fish on the run
This site highlights migratory fish conservation and research in the Great Lakes Basin.
Great Lakes Threat Mapping Project
This is a new, collaborative effort to map spatial patterns of cumulative threats to the Great Lakes from a diversity of stressors. I co-lead this project with Dave Allan (U of Michigan) and Ben Halpern (NCEAS).
Smith Fellows
Administered by the Society for Conservation Biology, the D.H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship Program is the US's premier post-doctoral training program in conservation science. I encourage potential post-docs to consider applying for a Smith Fellowship, allowing them to collaborate closely with both academics (like me!) and conservation practitioners on a project of their own design.
Neotropical Grassland Conservancy
NGC is an innovative grassroots non-profit organization that focuses on grassland conservation in Central and South America. It supports the research and training of Latin American graduate students in conservation science, and also provides research equipment to lab groups in the region. I chair the Student Grant Program for NGC.
The Nature Conservancy
TNC is a leader among the major conservation NGOs operating at a global scale. I work closely with the Michigan and Wisconsin offices on conserving migratory fish in the Great Lakes basin.