Madeline R Magee
Post-doctoral Research Associate Contact:
I am an engineer by training, although I sometimes pose as a limnologist. In my research, I use engineering techniques and principles to understand the processes that influence the response of the lake ecosystem to drivers, with an emphasis on the response to changing climate. Currently, I am a post doctoral researcher at the Center for Limnology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with Peter McIntyre. I am working on a project to couple physical, chemical, and biological models to predict losses of cold-water fish from inland lakes under climate warming in collaboration with Jordan Read at the CIDA and Andrew Rypel at the WDNR. In 2016, I received my PhD in civil and environmental engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where I studied the response of water temperatures, ice cover, and fish habitat to long-term changes in climate with Chin Wu. Prior to my PhD, I obtained my B.C.E. in civil engineering from the University of Minnesota and worked as a water supply planning intern at Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities and as a civil engineering intern at the University of Minnesota.
- Magee, M.R. and Wu, C.H. 2016. Effects of changing climate on ice cover in three morphometrically different lakes. Hydrological Processes. In press.
- Magee, M.R., Wu, C.H., Robertson, D.M., Lathrop, R.C., and Hamilton, D.P. 2016. Trends and regime shifts in 100-year ice cover and water temperatures in a dimictic lake in response to changes in air temperature, wind speed, and water clarity. Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, 20, 1-22. doi:10.5194/hess-20-1-2016