Our research team addresses ecology and conservation in rivers and lakes around the world, with a focus on the organism-ecosystem interface. We study the many ways in which animals affect ecosystem productivity and nutrient dynamics, and conversely how ecosystem structure and functioning influence the diversity and ecology of animals. We have a special interest in freshwater fisheries, with emphasis on the Adirondack Mountains (New York) and developing nations.
Click on an image to learn more about each project. |
Global freshwater conservation at the organism-ecosystem interface |
- 1/25/2017: New paper out by post-doc Allison Moody and the Great Lakes connectivity team: Pet Project or Best Project? Online Decision Support Tools for Prioritizing Barrier Removals in the Great Lakes and Beyond
- 10/2016: What Can Snails Tell Us About Water Quality? Pete answers that question and talks about field work on Lake Tanganyika via The Nature Conservancy's Cool Green Science blog
- 10/25/2016: Check out the new blog post by PhD student Aaron Koning on his field work in Thailand: Are we saving forests at the expense of rivers?
- 10/6/2016: Congratulations to McIntyre Lab post-doc Austin Milt whose dissertation research recently appeared in a new major text for conservation planning. Find out more here.
- 5/19/2016: World Fish Migration Day is almost here!! Come join us at Shedd Aquarium on Saturday, May 21 to learn more about the importance of migratory fishes, the need for healthy rivers, and opportunities to protect them! Check out the blog link to the event HERE.
- 4/8/2016: CFL blog post featuring research by John Rodstrom: Fish Fry Day: Mapping the Movements of Migrating Fish
- 3/2/2016: UW SeaGrant blog post featuring outreach efforts by Andy Stevens
- 1/8/16: New policy forum piece out in Science featuring work by Peter McIntyre, Aaron Koning, and Etienne Fluet-Chouinard: Balancing hydropower and biodiversity in the Amazon, Congo, and Mekong
- 6/5/15: Lab members decide to get a closer look at Lake Mendota's (brief) clear water phase: VIDEO: UP-CLOSE LOOK AT LAKE MENDOTA WATER CLARITY
- 5/7/15: Undergraduate student Vera Swanson made this awesome video documenting her time helping graduate student Aaron Koning in Thailand.
- 5/7/15: Great piece from WPR on restoring urban rivers in Milwaukee! Shout out to postdoc Peter Levi!
- 4/28/15: New lab paper out in PNAS: Bigger bang for your buck: Restoring fish habitat by removing barriers
- PhD student Etienne Fluet-Chouinard was recently awarded an NSERC graduate research fellowship. Congrats, Etienne!
- PhD student Aaron Koning was recently awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants (DDIG) for his work on conservation reserve networks in Thai rivers. Congrats, Aaron!
- 4/21/15: 'MyEarth' energy-tracking app encourages sustainable behaviors (app developed by MS student Andy Stevens)
- 4/18/15: Lab members in the news: "Thousands help clean up Milwaukee, Kinnickinnic River"
- 3/25/15: NEW CFL blog post featuring work by grad student Etienne Fluet-Choinard, "NEW MAP OFFERS BETTER LOOK AT WORLD’S WATER-LOGGED REGIONS"
- 3/20/15: NEW paper by former grad student Evan Childress out in Ecology of Freshwater Fish, "Spawning success and early life history of longnose suckers in Great Lakes tributaries"
- 3/12/15: Wisconsin Institutes of Discovery Featured Science: Going With the Flow: Optimizing Ecology; WID Optimization teams with local wildlife agencies to improve Great Lakes basin habitat.